Lee Harvey Oswald framed for the assassination of JFK in Dallas Texas on November 22, 1963.JFK at Bethesda Hospital. The throat wound had changed from Parkland Hospital, where it was a small, clean puncture wound of entry to what is shown here. 

The real story regarding who and why President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was murdered.

Extracts from the book "Secret Societies" by Jan van Helsing. ISBN 1 876677 21 X. 2001.

Ever since November 1993 the motives for the assassination of John F. Kennedy have been the subject of wild speculation. What is clear is that the young President was about to steer his own course in matters of strategic importance, a course strongly opposed to the mighty political and financial interests of the establishment. He was not a good "collaborator", and one of the reasons for the murder was the sacking of the overly powerful CIA chief Allen Dulles - after the fiasco at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961, shortly after he took on the job. Furthermore he prepared to call back some U.S. advisers from Vietnam. This order was issued in October 1963. Another thorn in the flesh of the Illuminati was the plan to curb CIA military activities in Southeast Asia. On July 18, 1963 he had told Congress that he wanted to implement certain measures to remedy the balance of payments deficit of the U.S. He wanted to support exports of industrial goods and interest balancing tax on foreign accounts of American citizens. On capital invested abroad up to 15% tax would have to be paid. That the international bankers didn't want to put up with that is obvious. As you see, Kennedy would have been the right man as the people's representative.

After he became President and was told about the retrieved UFOs and the secret projects that also contained the study of the survivors, he wanted to make this information public. Defense Secretary For restal who was a Majestic 12 member had tried to do just that, too, and on May 22, 1949 he was thrown out of his hospital room window with a bed sheet tied around his neck. Kennedy fared not better. He was murdered at Dallas on November 22, 1963. The first shot actually did come from the roof of the storehouse, and not from the window, but it was not lethal. The killing shot came from the driver of the President's limousine a CIA agent who shot Kennedy in the head with a special weapon developed by the CIA. If you look at the original film of the assassination in slow motion and watch the driver, then you can clearly see that he turns around with a gun in his hand, shoots, and the back of Kennedy's head bursts.

The film shown in most Western countries have the driver cut out. On November 21, 1993 the German TV channel ARD sought in its program "Spiegel-TV" in a ridiculous way to tell the viewers that there was no CIA involvement in the assassination, at almost the same time RTL showed a program claiming the opposite. Apart from the differing commentaries both programs showed the film only once full-frame, afterwards the driver was again cut out. But in the full frame version the shooting driver and the gun were clearly visible to  those who knew where to look.

John Lear, the son of the founder and today owner of Lear Aircraft and one decorated as the best pilot of the U.S. Air Force found three original films, e.g., in Japan, that he had computer analyzed and checked for authenticity. Both he and William Cooper, former member of Naval Intelligence and author of the book "Behold a Pale Horse", today give lectures in the U.S., and they supply the original film, and because of this film William Cooper lost one leg when the CIA tried to assassinate him. Japanese television later showed the original footage several times during the main news. The computer analysis also allowed to recognize the weapon as a special caliber developed by the CIA. The bullet, too, was a CIA special that only exploded after entering the body and thus annihilated Kennedy's brain.

The assassination was prepared by the CIA members Orlando Bosch, E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis and Jack Rubenstein (aka Jack Ruby) for whose collaboration the CIA paid his huge gambling debts. Lee Harvey Oswald had also been a CIA member, but at the time of the assassination he had been working for Jack Ruby. His death had been planned. Jack Ruby shot Oswald before he could prove his innocence. Thus they had a culprit who could no longer prove the truth. All the witnesses of the conspiracy were either killed or died of fast-growing cancer that they had injected - the deadly marksman in the car three weeks after the deed, for example.

The official story of the Kennedy assassination according to the report by the "Warren Commission" was that Lee Harvey Oswald had been the only person responsible, and it was printed nine hours later in all newspapers of the U.S. The true story of the CIA - Committee of 300 conspiracy was never told. For good reason. You see how good it is for the Illuminati to control the news agencies! And once again a whole nation is misinformed for decades until a brave researcher takes the trouble to dig deep.

LBJ knew beforehand of the assassination, he wanted to be president, the bastard. While Kennedy was in his coffin he was sworn in and cancelled Kennedy's Executive Order No. 11110 to rescind the Private Federal Reserve bill "HR 2755".





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Comment by Kerry Hay on December 24, 2013 at 9:19pm

In memory of a great president. The Murder of the 35th U.S. President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy on Elm Street where he was assassinated and killed by the President's driver and agent "William Robert Greer" on November 22nd 1963, Dallas, Texas. 

Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) wanted to become president sooner than later it seems? Johnson's Secret Service people came over to the motorcycle cops and gave them instructions. They were told that the parade route through Deadly Plaza was being so that the people would have an excellent view of the president of the United States. The Jesuits assassins sure did. "LBJ" started ducking down in the car a good 30 or 40 seconds before the first shots were fired, a little peculiar one would think. The presidents motorcycle escort was ordered to stay well back and not get ahead of the car's real wheels under any circumstances. It was a setup by the CIA who were there to protect their president from harm. Ordinarily you would bracket the presidents car with four motorcycles, one on each fender, but LBJ ordered them not to get ahead of the real wheels, strange don't you think?

His assassination was ordered by the policy committee of the Bilderbergers. MJ-12 implemented the plan and carried it out in Dallas. It involved agents of the CIA, Division-5 of the FBI, the Secret Service, and the office of Naval Intelligence. President Kennedy was killed by the driver of his car, his name was William Greer, he used a recoil-less, electronically operated, gas-powered assassination pistol that was specially built by the CIA to assassinate people at close range. It fired an explosive pellet which injected a large amount of shellfish poison into the brain, and that is why, in the documents, it stated that President Kennedy's brain was removed. In fact, Lee Harvey Oswald never fired a shot, he was the patsy. Why did the driver have to shoot Kennedy? Because the other fools missed. There were a total of 3-shots fired at President Kennedy, one hit him in the throat from the front and didn't kill him and 2 of them hit John Connelly. The one that was fired from the grassy knoll hit the president in the throat. The other 2-shots came from directly behind the limousine, not the school book depository building, and hit Governor Connelly. So I hope this clears up a lot of unanswered questions for the heart broken Kennedy clan. May "God Bless JFK.                         

Comment by Kerry Hay on November 23, 2013 at 7:56pm

The "Roswell incident". On July 22, 1947 a "non-terrestrial" flying machine had crashed at Roswell, New Mexico. There were ninety-two witnesses, thirty-five of which were Air Force personnel and four humanoid beings were found. The next space vehicle was found on February 13, 1948 near Aztec, New Mexico, followed on March 25 by a further crash in the same area, at Heart Canyon. This disk had a diameter of thirty-three meters, was made from an unknown metal and was occupied by sixteen beings, about 120 cm high and all dead. Another crash happened near Roswell in 1949, and here one being survived. An Air Force officer was ordered to bring him to Los Alamos, at that time the best guarded institution of the U.S. Ari Force. The being was described as a reptiloid humanoid with certain insectoid characteristics. He was simply called EBE (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity(. He said that his race had been visiting the Earth for 25,000 years and that he came from a double-star system, that their planet was now a desert planet, that their sun was dying and that they had underground facilities in several countries of the world. At the end of 1951 EBE became very ill and died on the 18th June 1952. It is said that the colonel, looking after him cried when he died. He apparently had loved him like a child. Under the project Robertson Panel this event was later filmed a "ET" to accustom the public slowly to reality.   

Project LUNA. The code name for the extra-terrestrial basis on the moon which was observed and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. There they have mining operations, and the great cigar-shaped mother ships are stationed there.  

Comment by Pam Vredenburg on November 22, 2013 at 1:48pm

Nice Kerry! Thanks


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"It was the poverty caused by the bad influence of the
 English Bankers on the Parliament which has caused in the colonies hatred of the English and...the Revolutionary War."
– Benjamin Franklin

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined."

Patrick Henry
June 26, 1788


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