The Zionists Among Us! A day in the life of Clay Douglas on a Matter of Concern to the Tucson Breakfast Club

by Clayton R. Douglas

            What is truly amazing is the total disloyalty to the United States of the sayanim (the assisting Jews in society), the internal traitors to America. They are easy to spot, always trying to muddy the waters and confuse the issues. Their names will be at the top of widely circulated emails complaining of Muslims, Mexicans, Catholics, the black pope, the illuminati, but never mentioning the people who own and control everything, as these are their people. They will claim they are for America and the Constitution, but when confronted with this information on who is doing the crime, information they can easily verify, do they choose America or Israel? Do they organize to expose and roust these gangsters from our nation, chase them from our media, our banks and our Government? Do they take this information and stand up for American freedom and Constitutional American justice? No, their new objective is to stop the message.
      They must vilify the messenger, have any messenger dismissed as a lunatic fringe element, conspiracy theorist, xenophobic hater and once their names are besmirched, they work behind the scenes to force them from their jobs and positions in society and actively continue this very personal assault - for years, because they didn't like what you said. Whoever has the temerity to speak out must be blasphemed and declared anti-Semitic over and over until it is ingrained in the American psyche.
     The following conversation with one of our attendees really illustrates what I have been going through for the last 6 years. And it is time to put a stop to it. For the last 20 years attempt after attempt has been made to stop my magazines and radio shows. I have been slandered and defamed by the ADL, SPLC, FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security. Rumors with no factual basis have been started about me even in the Biker Community here in Tucson. Even as I was recovering from my near fatal accident, men claiming to be agents claimed to have been
responsible for the hallucinations I never told anyone I was having. Their focus was on the biker magazine instead of the Free American. That was because my sons had kept it going while they drugged me for 3 months. Much of my opposition has been Jewish. The Jewish guests I have had on became hostile anytime I brought up “forbidden” subjects like the Protocols, Dual Citizenship, Palestinians and allegiance to a foreign power or the Jewish Control of the Media,
Banking, Oil, Pharmaceuticals, Food Supplies, Water or any other enterprise they virtually have a monopoly.
     This is not to say that I am saying everyone who is Jewish is bad. I have been friends with many, like Aaron Russo and Marshall Home, (Who ended up in jail) are just as opposed as I to World Domination by any group of men. The list is long and encompasses Jews in the Marxist State of Israel, who claim to be proud that they killed Christ as well as Masons operating as attorneys and Judges. My opinions are drawn from thousands of shows and reading and reprinting thousands of articles in my magazines. I have exposed and opposed EVIL in Christian, Muslim and Jewish
cultures. The first Amendment gives us the right to worship as we pleased. I do not care what the color of your skin is. I took an oath with a lot of men of every race and religion to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I have always supported that and there was no expiration date. I believe in the Freedom of Religion and Freedom of the press for ALL not just a few.
     When I came to Tucson two years ago I had already spoken at the Breakfast Club several times and Carl bought magazines every month for years. Almost everyone at the Breakfast Club knew me and knew my work on the magazine and radio. My intentions were to offer my books, my films and some of my products to my friends. It also provided me a enjoyable escape from the pressure and attacks that have not let up in 20 years. There was some opposition and at least one man here has made snide comments when I got up to speak or share something with you.
Not something to bring up to the group. He opposed me hosting the Breakfast Club. That is OK too. You don’t have to like me or have anything to do with me socially. But this anger and unprovoked hostility has now spread to the point where rumors, backstabbing and threats have made this an issue that must be handled by our regular attendees.
When I first came here, I had Lee Bracker on my show to help him sell his book. Soon after, he contacted me wanting to talk to another guest of mine. I put them together and Lee was rude and forced my guest to block his calls and told me of their talks. Lee contacted me and tried to force me to choose sides between him and a man I had known for ten years. I explained to him that I do not get involved in disputes between my guests. During this period Lee came up to me several times putting down Mark and the way he was handling the TBC. Then, while we were not speaking, he attacked Marilyn and insulted her. Then we learned that he had gotten Mark to let him in the room for half of what the rest of us paid by telling him he couldn’t eat the food. He blew that deal when everyone noticed he went through the line and filled his plate twice. I talked with the owner and we put a stop to that. Then a few weeks back Lee started putting the Breakfast Club on his handouts. He was asked by many of us to NOT use the Breakfast Club on his publication. Last week he used it again and you can read here how he feels it is right to violate copyright laws for his personal projects.

    I tried to be civil. Lee was badgering me to have him back on, supposedly with new information. I agreed but when Monday, Dec. 6th rolled around Lee was too lazy, incompetent or intentionally rude to get up and answer the phone. This conversation took place then. I am printing this out for every member to see and make a decision. As you will see, this is NOT an issue that I had any intention of pushing.
    I have also been approached several times by Bob who suggested I not talk about Jews, Zionists or Marijuana. I told Bob I will talk about any subject that I feel is worthy under my First Amendment Rights that the Breakfast Club is supposed to be about. The latest in this series of lies and whispered rumors Bob told me that I had gone into the restaurant, “Biscuits” that he wanted us to move to. I went to check out the restaurant and met the manager and viewed the facility he was in the process of setting up. Bob accused me of frightening the manager for walking in with my dogs and riding my Harley, dress the way I commonly dress here. The conversation I had with the management was not hostile. He was not rude and me going in there was what I would expect everyone here to do if they want an input into where we meet. Lee and these others are doing their best to do what the SPLC, ADL and now the NAACP has tried to do. Limit my access to like minded people, destroy any power base that I might be building and they do it with whispers and innuendos like the cowards they are. With this, I want bring this out in the open. They want to vote me out. Fine! I want those who want me removed to stand up in front of this meeting and explain what it is they think I
have done other than try to promote the TBC, build a website, print cards and flyers and book guests. I think, because I have done nothing detrimental for this club that we should take a vote but I want a penalty phase to the vote. I want the men who want me out to be aware that if a vote is taken and the rest of you think I have been an asset then those men who initiated this divide and conquer strategy should be the ones that are voted out.
      Here is the last conversation I had with Lee. If Bob and Bart are part of this whisper campaign and want to stand with Lee, let them come up now and tell you why they are so opposed to someone who has been in the Patriot Movement for 20 years. According to Lee, “Clay, I've got more on my side than you. Try as you might, pick on the paper if you want..we'll vote you out. of the meeting. When I didn't show for meetings because of you, Marilyn, and her
friend, many there were very concerned for my well being. So much so that I was encouraged to come back. That doesn't happen with you Clay. In fact, we all sigh with relief the Saturday's you're absent. Okay, let’s fight!”

“[11:35:45 AM] Lee: The way it works is this Clay. You pitch what you pitch and it doesn't matter what it is. Then I go up and say that I can't be a part of that group if you're there and that they must choose between you and I. They will want me to be there instead of you. It's as simple as that.

Clay’s Conversation with Lee Bracker on Monday Dec. 6th 2010
       If you don't get up in time for me to call you try calling in at 646-915-8774
[9:44:31 AM] Clayton Douglas: Too bad you couldn't get up.
[9:51:30 AM] Lee: Hey Clay, sorry man, you mentioned on Saturday for me to look at your upcoming show schedule to see when there's an opening and I assumed you meant the last one scheduled and that I take the following day. I did send a skype to let you know yesterday. That happens to be Friday the 10th and today is the 6th. I selected Monday the 13th as indicated in the message above because I have a commitment on Sunday morning and we go to the club
meetings on Saturday which makes the next monday after your last schedule appropriate. That's what I thought you meant. I don't know why, but I'm not getting your phone messages yesterday.. today I got two, but they're after the start time of the show. Have you had a chance to read the article? I still haven't received confirmation of that as to whether you need a new one sent or not. I'm sorry bro.. I just didn't know exactly what you meant about checking your
schedule.. you didn't post me as a guest for today with the other things you did have planned for Monday. I'm always up at 5-5:30am. Had my name been announced on the upcoming shows, I'd have known and really, there would be little time to tell this story as it takes a full hour with to fit it all in with little diversions. An hour and a half would work best (Maybe split into to segments?). Oh... so you know what I usually do... I'm out the door every weekday at 6:30 and
carry zero tracking and bugging device (cell phone).
[9:55:37 AM] Clayton Douglas: You were posted as a guest today. I just changed it. I have Monday the 13th open. And I started calling and leaving you messages at 6:00 this morning.

[9:56:04 AM] Clayton Douglas: I told you Saturday I might have an opening today.
[9:56:51 AM] Clayton Douglas: I think you are very unfocused and therefore not reliable.
[10:07:56 AM] Lee: I lie to you a lot Clay. Just so that you don't pick a fight. So, I make myself appear slow or forgetful. I changed MY paper's name back on purpose, but lied to you by saying I forgot. I think of everything. You can't force me to not print that paper the way I want because I don't sell it, nor do you control it, nor did you take a vote from the group or anything a meeting group is supposed to do. I've lied about me to you almost every step of the way so that you wouldn't pick fights with me. But, you have this need to shut me out by causing me to step on my own toe. Clay, do you want to help share this message or not? If so, tell me you want me on or tell me it's a no go. Just tell me, okay?

[10:10:39 AM] Clayton Douglas: No. I don't like liars. I will bring your paper up for a vote next week.
[10:11:22 AM] Clayton Douglas: I don't pick fights. I tell you what I think. That's all.
[10:11:52 AM] *** Call to Lee, no answer. ***
[10:13:05 AM] Clayton Douglas: I don't pick a fight but I will finish one every time.
[10:16:19 AM] Lee: Okay... Clay.. I've got more on my side than you. Try as you might, pick on the paper if you want.. we'll vote you out. of the meeting. When I didn't show for meetings because of you, Marilyn, and her friend, many there were very concerned for my well being. So much so that I was encouraged to come back. That doesn't happen with you Clay. In fact, we all sigh with relief the Saturday's you're absent. Okay, lets fight
[10:16:57 AM] Clayton Douglas: You get the first swing idiot
[10:17:44 AM] Lee: I don't have to fire a shot:)
[11:30:29 AM] Lee: So, Clay, who's on your side?
[11:30:58 AM] Clayton Douglas: We'll see.
[11:31:26 AM] Lee: No. Who is on your side? I'll tell you if you can't answer.
[11:31:59 AM] Clayton Douglas: I don't need to answer. Go read the Kol Nidre. I know who you are.
[11:32:25 AM] Clayton Douglas: You have already admitted that you are a LIAR.
[11:32:30 AM] Lee: You have Marilyn and her side kick.
[11:32:37 AM] Lee: Who else?
[11:33:15 AM] Lee: I'm honest Clay.. it's you nobody can talk to. We have to be so careful around you that what isn't said is a form of lying
[11:33:32 AM] Clayton Douglas: You are obsessed with "sides" the mark of an ignorant, jealous, insecure man.
[11:33:44 AM] Lee: Rather than spit match in front of the group, I told you what I did about the paper.
[11:34:00 AM] Lee: You aren't prepared then. So be it
[11:34:28 AM] Clayton Douglas: I am always prepared.
[11:35:45 AM] Lee: The way it works is this Clay. You pitch what you pitch and it doesn't matter what it is. Then I go up and say that I can't be a part of that group if you're there and that they must choose between you and I. They will want me to be there instead of you. It's as simple as that.
[11:36:09 AM] Lee: And really, you make it difficult for us all
[11:37:31 AM] Lee: I need to block you now... I have work to do.
[11:38:27 AM] Clayton Douglas: Good idea. I will add this to your comments. You fall back on the Jewish strategy of divide and conquer. Whispering in the shadows. I have no agenda, nothing against you or the others. I am about trying to unite people, you have consistently tried to divide.  You did the same thing with me trying to unseat Mark.
[11:38:58 AM] Clayton Douglas: You don't have to block me. I don't want to talk you EVER again
[11:39:19 AM] Clayton Douglas: See you Saturday punk
[11:39:20 AM] Lee: Clay, what is it that keeps you from allowing me to unite people via your show? Your nuts!

[11:39:33 AM] Lee: I don't call you names
[11:39:57 AM] Lee: mature up dear boy.

Clayton Douglas’ commentaries are copyrighted and may be republished, reposted, or emailed
providing the person or organization doing so does not charge for subscriptions or advertising
and that the column is copied intact and that full credit is given and that Clay's web site address
is included ( Editors or Publishers of publications charging for
subscriptions or advertising who want to run these columns must contact Clayton R. Douglas for
permission and payment. Radio or television Talk Show Hosts interested in scheduling an
interview with Clay should contact

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